But this arrived in good shape, no random dings or dents in the covers or spine. I’ve at least twice in the past half-year had to return stuff I deemed too damaged to keep, due to the way they packaged/shipped ’em. When this arrived in the mail this week and I opened it yesterday…I was quite impressed on a number of things. Yet, the solicitation text seemed similar to the previous edition, listing material from the various issues, but not specifying if the issues were collected in their entirety, or just a handful of pages. When I found out about this edition ( I believe from Michael Bailey), it had my interest. It seemed expensive, and as I hadn’t pre-ordered it, I had time to learn that it wasn’t a “true” omnibus–the heart of the story ( Funeral for a Friend) was gutted, and a number of other stuff was left out. I “passed” on the original “omnibus” released back in 2007 or so.

But the only way to stop him is by sacrificing his own life! As the planet mourns the man who symbolized the best humanity had to offer, four mysterious beings appear-all with the powers and abilities of the Man of Steel! When the Earth continues to be threatened by beings of immeasurable power, Metropolis' one true hero will rise and return hope to those who need it most.The ultimate comics story of my childhood is now the ultimate single volume in my entire collection. Legendary writer Dan Jurgens (Superman: Action Comics) brings to you the epic saga in its entirety that that bubbled to the forefront of popular culture in this oversize omnibus edition!A maniacal beast has risen from the Earth, a creature called Doomsday! Only one man can stop Doomsday's rampage-Superman.

Sacrificing his life to against an unstoppable global threat, the people of Earth must now accept that the world they live in is a world without Superman. Read Or Download Death and Return of Superman Omnibus (2022 edition) By Dan Jurgens Full Pages.